Sportswear or activewear is clothing, including footwear, worn for sport or physical exercise. Sport-specific clothing is worn for most sports and physical exercise, for practical, comfort or safety reasons. Typical sport-specific garments include shorts, tracksuits, T-shirts, tennis shirts and polo shirts. Specialized garments include wet suits and salopettes and leotards. Sports footwear include trainers. It also includes some underwear, such as the jockstrap and sports bra. Sportswear is also at times worn as casual fashion clothing. For most sports, the athletes wear a combination of different items of clothing, e.g. sport shoes, pants and shirts. In some sports, protective gear may need to be worn, such as helmets or American football body armour.
Sports specific Wear here refers to clothing, mainly for sports but also other purposes, that has been specially designed to provide on the one hand protection against physical injury, heat or cold, water or wind, and on the other hand assist athletes in physical activities by adding breathability and moisture transfer. In addition, Functional Wear here also includes shaping garments designed to improve the wearer’s appearance. Examples include cycling jerseys, yoga pants or running gear.
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